Banksia Blue Studio is committed to the continual improvement of occupational health and safety performance and will take all reasonable care to provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risks to health and safety for all workers, external providers, customers and visitorTs.his commitment extends to ensuring that the organisation's operations do not place the local community at risk of injury, illness or property damage.

In particular, Banksia Blue Studio will:

Identify and assess hazards and risks, and plan work activities to eliminate or control hazards and reduce risks using the hierarchy of controls
Comply with relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice, industry requirements and other relevant standards

Communicate with government and community bodies on occupational health and safety issues

Establish measurable objectives and targets for continuous improvement, aimed at elimination of work-related injury or illness integrated into day to day work practices
Disseminate relevant OH&S information and consult with workers and other interested parties including their participation and feedback

Maintain the workplace in a safe condition
Maintain systems, equipment and products in a safe condition
Provide appropriate instruction and training for workers and ensuring their competency

Provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and provide information, training and instruction in the proper use and wearing of PPE including its storage, maintenance, repair or replacement protocols
Provide adequate facilities for all workers at the office and workspace.

Confirm that adequate facilities are provided by the client at the project sites

Complete and maintain relevant and required documentation during our work processes to demonstrate continued consideration and compliance


It is the responsibility of all workers to avoid putting themselves or others in an unsafe situation and to follow Banksia Blue Studio's Code of Conduct Policy at all times and to report any work-related incidents, near misses, injuries or illnesses to the management team.

Suzanne Bobsien and Lisa McDonald 

Managing Directors 1 September 2019

Wholesale Enquiries

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